Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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pile 1 (pīl)n.1. A quantity of objects stacked or thrown together in a heap. See Synonyms at heap.2. Informal a. A large accumulation or quantity: a pile of work to do.b. A large amount of money: made a pile in the real estate boom.3. A nuclear reactor.4. A voltaic pile.5. A very large building or complex of buildings.6. A funeral pyre.v. piled, pil·ing, piles v.tr.1. a. To place or lay in a pile or heap: piled books onto the table.b. To load (something) with a heap or pile: piled the table with books.2. To add or increase to abundance or to a point of burdensomeness: piled homework on the students.v.intr.1. To form a heap or pile.2. To move in, out, or forward in a disorderly mass or group: pile into a bus; pile out of a car.Phrasal Verbs: pile on1. To leap onto an existing pile of people, especially football players.2. To add or increase (something, such as criticism) abundantly or excessively. pile up1. To accumulate: Work is piling up.2. Informal To undergo a serious vehicular collision.[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin pīla, pillar.]pile2pile 2 (pīl)n.1. A heavy beam of timber, concrete, or steel, driven into the earth as a foundation or support