Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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shot 1 (shŏt)n.1. The firing or discharge of a weapon, such as a gun.2. The distance over which something is shot; the range.3. a. An attempt to hit a target with a projectile: His shot at the bear missed by inches.b. An attempt to reach a target with a rocket: a moon shot.4. Sports & Games a. An attempt to score into a goal, as in soccer or hockey.b. The flight or path of a projectile in a game.c. A sharply hit or driven ball or puck.d. A stroke in a game, as in golf or billiards: took three shots to get out of the sand trap.5. A pointed or critical remark.6. Informal a. An attempt; a try: took a shot at losing weight.b. An opportunity: gave him a fair shot at the part in the play.c. A chance at odds; something to bet on: The horse was a four-to-one shot.7. a. A solid projectile designed to be discharged from a firearm or cannon.b. pl. shot Such projectiles, especially when fired in clusters, considered as a group.c. pl. shot Tiny lead or steel pellets, especially ones used in a shotgun cartridge.d. One of these pellets.8. Sports The heavy metal ball that is put for distance in the shot put.9. One who shoots in a particular way: a good shot with the rifle and the bow.10. a. A charge of explosives used in blasting mine