Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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jazz (jăz)n.1. Music a. A style of music, native to America, characterized by a strong but flexible rhythmic understructure with solo and ensemble improvisations on basic tunes and chord patterns and, more recently, a highly sophisticated harmonic idiom.b. Big band dance music.2. Slang a. Animation; enthusiasm.b. Nonsense.c. Miscellaneous, unspecified things: brought the food and all the jazz to go with it.v. jazzed, jazz·ing, jazz·es v.tr.1. Music To play in a jazz style.2. Slang a. To utter exaggerations or lies to: Don't jazz me.b. To give great pleasure to; excite: The surprise party jazzed the guest of honor.c. To cause to accelerate.v.intr. Slang To exaggerate or lie.Phrasal Verb: jazz up Slang To make more interesting; enliven: jazzed up the living area with beaded curtains.[Originally, vim, vigor, pep, copulation, semen, perhaps shortening of earlier jasm, vim, vigor and akin to jism.]jazz′er n.jazz′ish adj.