Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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lead 1 (lēd)v. led (lĕd), lead·ing, leads v.tr.1. To show the way to by going in advance: The host led us to our table. See Synonyms at guide.2. To guide or direct in a course: lead a horse by the halter.3. a. To serve as a route for; take: The path led them to a cemetery.b. To be a channel or conduit for (water or electricity, for example).4. To guide the behavior or opinion of; induce: led us to believe otherwise.5. a. To direct the performance or activities of: lead an orchestra.b. To inspire the conduct of: led the nation in its crisis.6. To play a principal or guiding role in: lead a discussion; led the antiwar movement.7. a. To go or be at the head of: The queen led the procession. My name led the list.b. To be ahead of: led the runner-up by three strides.c. To be foremost in or among: led the field in nuclear research; led her teammates in free throws.8. To pass or go through; live: lead an independent life.9. To begin or open with, as in games: led an ace.10. To guide (a partner) in dancing.11. a. To aim in front of (a moving target).b. Sports To pass a ball or puck ahead of (a moving teammate) so that the player can receive the pass without changing direction or losing speed.v.intr.1. To be first; be ahead.2. To go fi