Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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tail 1 (tāl)n.1. The posterior part of an animal, especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body.2. The bottom, rear, or hindmost part, especially:a. The lowest part of a garment such as a shirt or coat.b. The rear end of an automobile or other vehicle.c. The rear portion of the fuselage of an aircraft or the assembly of stabilizing planes and control surfaces in this portion.d. The vaned rear portion of a bomb or missile.3. A long thin arrangement, part, or structure, often extending from a main structure:a. A long thin part on some kites that hangs down below the part that catches the wind to provide stability.b. The long stream of gas and dust that is illuminated and directed away from the head of a comet when it is close to the sun.c. A braid of hair; a pigtail.d. A train of followers; a retinue.4. Something that follows something else or takes the last place:a. The end of a line of persons or things.b. The short closing line of certain stanzas of verse.c. The refuse or dross remaining from processes such as distilling or milling.5. tailsa. A formal evening costume typically worn by men.b. A tailcoat.6. often tails (used with a sing. verb) The side of a coin not having the principal design.7. The trail of a person or animal in flight: The pol