Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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dust (dŭst)n.1. Fine, dry particles of matter.2. A cloud of fine, dry particles.3. Particles of matter regarded as the result of disintegration: fabric that had fallen to dust over the centuries.4. a. Earth, especially when regarded as the substance of the grave: ashes to ashes, dust to dust (Book of Common Prayer).b. The surface of the ground.5. A debased or despised condition.6. Something of no worth.7. Chiefly British Rubbish readied for disposal.8. Confusion; agitation; commotion: won't go back in until the dust settles.v. dust·ed, dust·ing, dusts v.tr.1. To remove dust from by wiping, brushing, or beating: dust the furniture.2. To sprinkle with a powdery substance: dusted the cookies with sugar; dust crops with fertilizer.3. To apply or strew in fine particles: dusted talcum powder on my feet.4. Baseball To deliver a pitch so close to (the batter) as to make the batter back away.v.intr.1. To clean by removing dust.2. To cover itself with dry soil or other particulate matter. Used of a bird.Phrasal Verb: dust off To restore to use: dusted off last year's winter coat.Idioms: in the dust Far behind, as in a race or competition: a marketing strategy that left our competitors in the dust. make the du