Pixwords Answers » 7 Letters
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Mo·roc·co (mə-rŏk′ō) A country of northwest Africa on the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Inhabited from ancient times by Berbers, the region became a Roman province in the 1st century ad and was conquered by Arabs in the 7th century. The country was later united (11th-13th century) under Berber-Muslim dynasties. The French established a protectorate over most of the region in 1912, and in 1956 Morocco achieved independence as a kingdom. Rabat is the capital and Casablanca the largest city.Mo·roc′can adj. & n.Moroccomo·roc·co (mə-rŏk′ō)n. pl. mo·roc·cos A soft fine leather of goatskin traditionally tanned with sumac and used especially for book bindings.[After Morocco.]