Pixwords Answers » 7 Letters
The image with sailor, sea, captain, wheel, pipe, smoke Dedmazay - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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cap·tain (kăp′tən)n.1. One who commands, leads, or guides others, especially:a. The officer in command of a ship, aircraft, or spacecraft.b. A precinct commander in a police or fire department, usually ranking above a lieutenant and below a chief.c. The designated leader of a team or crew in sports.2. a. A commissioned rank in the US Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above first lieutenant and below major.b. A commissioned rank in the US Navy or Coast Guard that is above commander and below rear admiral.c. One who holds the rank of captain.3. A figure in the forefront; a leader: a captain of industry.4. One who supervises or directs the work of others, especially:a. A district official for a political party.b. A restaurant employee who is in charge of the waiters and usually attends to table seating.c. A bell captain.tr.v. cap·tained, cap·tain·ing, cap·tains To act as captain of; command or direct: captained the football team.[Middle English capitain, from Old French, from Late Latin capitāneus, chief, from Latin caput, capit-, head; see kaput- in Indo-European roots.]cap′tain·cy, cap′tain·ship′ n.