Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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Split (splĭt) A city of southwest Croatia on the Dalmatian coast of the Adriatic Sea. Founded as a Roman colony, it later grew around a palace built by Diocletian in the early fourth century ad.split (splĭt)v. split, split·ting, splits v.tr.1. a. To divide (something) from end to end, into layers, or along the grain: split the log down the middle. See Synonyms at tear1.b. To cause to be split unintentionally: split my pants laughing.c. To cause to undergo nuclear fission or division into elements: splitting atomic nuclei with neutrons; splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen.d. To affect with force in a way that suggests tearing apart: A lightning bolt split the night sky.2. a. To separate (people or groups, for example); disunite.b. Sports To advance between (a pair of defenders) when trying to score.3. To divide and share: split a dessert.4. To divide, as for convenience or proper ordering: split the project up into stages.5. To separate (leather, for example) into layers.6. To mark (a vote or ballot) in favor of candidates from different parties.7. To divide (a company's stock) by issuing multiples of the existing shares with a corresponding reduction in the price of each share, so that the total value of the stock is unchanged.8. Sports To win half the games of (a series or double-header