Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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drone 1 (drōn)n.1. A male bee, especially a honeybee, that is characteristically stingless, performs no work, and produces no honey. Its only function is to mate with the queen bee.2. An idle person who lives off others; a loafer.3. A person who does tedious or menial work; a drudge: undervalued drones who labored in obscurity (Caroline Bates).4. A pilotless aircraft operated by remote control.[Middle English, from Old English drān.]drone 2 (drōn)v. droned, dron·ing, drones v.intr.1. To make a continuous low dull humming sound: Somewhere an electric fan droned without end (William Styron).2. To speak in a monotonous tone: The lecturer droned on for hours.3. To pass or act in a monotonous way.v.tr. To utter in a monotonous low tone: The mosquitoes droned their angry chant (W. Somerset Maugham).n.1. A continuous low humming or buzzing sound.2. Music a. Any of the pipes of a bagpipe that lack finger holes and produce a single tone.b. A long sustained tone.c. Any of various instruments that produce only a constant pitch.[From drone (from the bee's humming sound).]