Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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taste (tāst)v. tast·ed, tast·ing, tastes v.tr.1. To distinguish the flavor of by taking into the mouth.2. To eat or drink a small quantity of.3. To partake of, especially for the first time; experience: prisoners finally tasting freedom.4. Archaic To appreciate or enjoy.v.intr.1. To distinguish flavors in the mouth.2. To have a distinct flavor: The stew tastes salty.3. To eat or drink a small amount.4. To have experience or enjoyment; partake: tasted of the life of the very rich.n.1. a. The sense that distinguishes the sweet, sour, salty, and bitter qualities of dissolved substances in contact with the taste buds on the tongue.b. This sense in combination with the senses of smell and touch, which together receive a sensation of a substance in the mouth.2. a. The sensation of sweet, sour, salty, or bitter qualities produced by a substance placed in the mouth.b. The unified sensation produced by any of these qualities plus a distinct smell and texture; flavor.c. A distinctive perception as if by the sense of taste: an experience that left a bad taste in my mouth.3. The act of tasting.4. A small quantity eaten or tasted.5. A limited or first experience; a sample: Thousands entered the war, got just a taste of it, and then stepped out (Mark Twain).6. A