Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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tilt 1 (tĭlt)v. tilt·ed, tilt·ing, tilts v.tr.1. To cause to slope, as by raising one end; incline: tilt a soup bowl; tilt a chair backward. See Synonyms at slant.2. To cause to be advantageous to one party rather than another: a development that tilted the balance of trade in their favor.3. a. To aim or thrust (a lance) in a joust.b. To charge (an opponent); attack.4. To forge with a tilt hammer.v.intr.1. To slope; incline: The field tilts toward the river.2. To have a preference, favor, or be inclined toward something: She recently tilted toward vegetarianism.3. To be advantageous to one side over another, as in a dispute: The battle ... was beginning to tilt again in the Confederates' favor (Stephen W. Sears).4. a. To fight with lances; joust.b. To engage in a combat or struggle; fight: tilting at injustices.n.1. The act of tilting or the condition of being tilted.2. a. An inclination from the horizontal or vertical; a slant: adjusting the tilt of a writing table.b. A sloping surface, as of the ground.3. a. A tendency to favor one side in a dispute: the court's tilt toward conservative rulings.b. A preference, inclination, or bias: pitilessly illuminates the inaccuracies and tilts of the press (Nat Hentoff).4. a. A medieval sport in which