Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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kick (kĭk)v. kicked, kick·ing, kicks v.intr.1. To extend the leg away from the body; strike out with the foot or feet.2. Sports a. To score or gain ground by kicking a ball.b. To punt in football.c. To propel the body in swimming by moving the legs, as with a flutter kick or frog kick.3. To recoil: The powerful rifle kicked upon being fired.4. Informal a. To express negative feelings vigorously; complain.b. To oppose by argument; protest.v.tr.1. To strike with the foot: kicked the wall in frustration.2. To propel by striking with the foot: kick a ball.3. To spring back against suddenly: The rifle kicked my shoulder when I fired it.4. Sports To score (a goal or point) by kicking a ball.n.1. a. A vigorous blow with the foot.b. Sports The motion of the legs that propels the body in swimming.2. Any of various moves in dance in which the leg is extended from the body.3. A jolting recoil: a rifle with a heavy kick.4. Slang A complaint; a protest.5. Slang Power; force: a car engine with a lot of kick.6. Slang a. A feeling of pleasurable stimulation: got a kick out of the show.b. kicks Fun: went bowling just for kicks.7. Slang Temporary, often obsessive int