Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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stud 1 (stŭd)n.1. An upright post in the framework of a wall for supporting sheets of lath, drywall, or similar material.2. A small knob, nail head, or rivet fixed in and slightly projecting from a surface.3. a. A small ornamental button mounted on a short post for insertion through an eyelet, as on a dress shirt.b. A buttonlike earring mounted on a slender post, as of gold or steel, for wearing in a pierced earlobe.4. a. Any of various protruding pins or pegs in machinery, used mainly as a support or pivot.b. One of a number of small metal cleats embedded in a snow tire to increase traction on slippery or snowy roads.5. A metal crosspiece used as a brace in a link, as in a chain cable.tr.v. stud·ded, stud·ding, studs 1. To provide with or construct with studs or a stud.2. To set with studs or a stud: stud a bracelet with rubies.3. To be scattered over: Daisies studded the meadow.[Middle English stode, from Old English studu; see stā- in Indo-European roots.]stud 2 (stŭd)n.1. a. A group of animals, especially horses, kept for breeding.b. A male animal, such as a stallion, that is kept for breeding.c. A stable or farm where these animals are kept.2. Slang a. A usually young man who is very sexually active or promiscuous.b. A usually young man regarded as attrac