Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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spot (spŏt)n.1. a. A mark on a surface differing sharply in color from its surroundings.b. A blemish, mark, or pimple on the skin.c. A stain or blot.2. Games a. A mark or pip on a playing card; a spade, club, diamond, or heart.b. A playing card with a specified number of such marks on it indicating its value.3. Informal A piece of paper money worth a specified number of dollars: a five spot.4. a. A small area: a bald spot; an itchy spot.b. A location or position: a good spot for catching fish.c. A point of interest: There are a lot of spots to visit in the old city.d. A position or an item in an ordered arrangement: the first spot in line.e. Football The position of the ball for the line of scrimmage as determined by a referee after a play.5. Informal A situation, especially a troublesome one.6. A flaw in one's reputation or character: a dark spot in his past.7. A short presentation or commercial on television or radio between major programs: a news spot.8. Informal A spotlight.9. pl. spot or spots A small croaker (Leiostomus xanthurus) of North American Atlantic waters, having a dark mark above each pectoral fin and valued as a food and game fish.10. Chiefly British A small amount; a bit: a spot of tea.v. spot·ted