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spit 1 (spĭt)n.1. Saliva, especially when expectorated; spittle.2. The act of expectorating.3. Something, such as the frothy secretion of spittle bugs, that resembles spit.4. A brief, scattered rainfall or snowfall.5. Informal The perfect likeness: He's the spit and image of his father.v. spat (spăt) or spit, spit·ting, spits v.tr.1. To eject from the mouth: spat out the grape seeds.2. To eject as if from the mouth: a fire spitting sparks.3. To emit suddenly and forcefully: spat out an insult.v.intr.1. To eject matter from the mouth; expectorate.2. To express contempt or animosity, especially by ejecting matter from the mouth.3. To make a hissing or sputtering noise: french fries spitting in the pan.4. To rain or snow in light, scattered drops or flakes.Phrasal Verb: spit up To vomit. Used especially of a baby.[Middle English, from spitten, to spit, from Old English spittan, ultimately of imitative origin.]spit 2 (spĭt)n.1. A slender, pointed rod on which meat is impaled for roasting.2. A narrow point of land extending into a body of water.tr.v. spit·ted, spit·ting, spits To impale on or as if on a spit.[Middle English, from Old English spitu.]