Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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pill 1 (pĭl)n.1. A small pellet or tablet of medicine, often coated, taken by swallowing whole or by chewing.2. Informal An oral contraceptive. Used with the.3. Slang Something, such as a baseball, that resembles a pellet of medicine.4. Something both distasteful and necessary.5. Slang An insipid or ill-natured person.v. pilled, pil·ling, pills v.tr.1. To dose with pills.2. To make into pills.3. Slang To blackball.v.intr. To form small balls resembling pills: a sweater that pills.[Middle English pille, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German pille and Old French pile, all from Latin pilula, diminutive of pila, ball.]pill 2 (pĭl)v. pilled, pil·ling, pills v.intr. Chiefly British To come off, as in flakes or scales.v.tr. Archaic To subject to extortion.[Middle English pillen, to plunder, peel, from Old English pilian; see peel1 and from Old French piller, to plunder; see pillage.]