Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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tu·na 1 (to͞o′nə, tyo͞o′-)n. pl. tuna or tu·nas 1. a. Any of various often large scombroid marine food and game fishes of the genus Thunnus and related genera, several of which, including albacore and skipjack tuna, are commercially important sources of canned fish. Also called tunny.b. Any of several related fishes, such as the bonito.2. The edible flesh of tuna, often canned or processed. Also called tuna fish.[American Spanish, from Spanish atún, from Arabic at-tūn, the tuna, from Latin thunnus; see tunny.]tuna2tu·na 2 (to͞o′nə, tyo͞o′-)n.1. Any of several prickly pears, especially O. ficus-indica, widely cultivated for its edible red fruit.2. The edible fruit of any of these cacti. Also called cactus pear.[American Spanish, from Taíno.]