Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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bud 1 (bŭd)n.1. Botany a. A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped leaf, flower, or leafy shoot.b. The stage or condition of having buds: branches in full bud.2. Biology a. An asexual reproductive structure, as in yeast or a hydra, that consists of an outgrowth capable of developing into a new individual.b. A small, rounded organic part, such as a taste bud, that resembles a plant bud.3. One that is not yet fully developed: the bud of a new idea.4. An earbud.v. bud·ded, bud·ding, buds v.intr.1. To put forth or produce buds: a plant that buds in early spring.2. To develop or grow from or as if from a bud: listened sympathetically for a moment, a bemused smile budding forth (Washington Post).3. To be in an undeveloped stage or condition.4. To reproduce asexually by forming a bud.v.tr.1. To cause to put forth buds.2. To graft a bud onto (a plant).[Middle English budde.]bud′der n.bud 2 (bŭd)n. Informal Friend; chum. Used as a form of familiar address, especially for a man or boy: Move along, bud.[Short for buddy.]