Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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fuse 1 also fuze (fyo͞oz)n.1. A cord of readily combustible material that is lighted at one end to carry a flame along its length to detonate an explosive at the other end.2. often fuze A mechanical or electrical mechanism used to detonate an explosive charge or device such as a bomb or grenade: A mechanical ... switch is used to initiate the fuzes (International Defense Review).tr.v. fused, fus·ing, fus·es also fuzed or fuz·ing or fuz·es To equip with a mechanical or electrical fuse.[From Italian fuso, spindle (originally from its shape), from Latin fūsus.]fuse2electric plug fusefuse 2 (fyo͞oz)v. fused, fus·ing, fus·es v.tr.1. a. To join (different pieces or elements) together physically, as by melting or heating: bits of glass fused in a kiln; atomic nuclei that are fused together inside the stars.b. To blend or combine together: Edison's invention strategy effectively fused research and development in a seamless process (Seth Shulman).2. To liquefy or reduce to a plastic state by heating; melt.v.intr.1. a. To become physically joined together, as by melting.b. To be combined or blended together: There was no separation between joy and sorrow: they fused into one (Henry Miller). See Synonyms at mix.2. To become liquefied