Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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tank (tăngk)n.1. a. A large, often metallic container for holding or storing liquids or gases.b. The amount that this container can hold: buy a tank of gas.2. A usually artificial pool, pond, reservoir, or cistern, especially one used to hold water for drinking or for irrigation.3. An enclosed, heavily armored combat vehicle that is armed with cannon and machine guns and moves on continuous tracks.4. A tank top.5. Slang A jail or jail cell.v. tanked, tank·ing, tanks v.tr. To place, store, or process in a tank.v.intr. Informal To suffer a sudden decline or failure: The stock market tanked yesterday.Phrasal Verb: tank up1. Slang To drink to the point of intoxication.2. To fill the tank of a motor vehicle with gasoline.Idiom: in the tank1. In reserve: a runner who didn't have enough in the tank to hold the lead.2. In a state of decline or failure: Stocks have been in the tank for months.3. Enthusiastically partial; strongly favoring: a reporter accused of being in the tank for a candidate.[Partly from Gujarati tānkh, cistern (from Sanskrit taḍāgaḥ, pond, perhaps of Dravidian origin) and partly from Portuguese tanque, reservoir (variant of estanque, from estancar, to dam up,