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duck 1 (dŭk)n.1. Any of various wild or domesticated waterbirds of the family Anatidae, characteristically having a broad flat bill, short legs, and webbed feet.2. A female duck.3. The flesh of a duck used as food.4. Slang A person, especially one thought of as peculiar.5. often ducks (used with a sing. verb) Chiefly British A dear.[Middle English doke, from Old English dūce, possibly from *dūcan, to dive; see duck2.]duck 2 (dŭk)v. ducked, duck·ing, ducks v.tr.1. To lower quickly, especially so as to avoid something: ducked his head as the ball came toward him.2. To evade; dodge: duck responsibility; ducked the reporter's question.3. To push (a person, for example) suddenly under water.4. In bridge, to deliberately play a card that is lower than (an opponent's card).v.intr.1. To lower the head or body.2. To move swiftly, especially so as to escape being seen: ducked behind a bush.3. To submerge the head or body briefly in water.4. To evade a responsibility or obligation. Often used with out: duck out on one's family.5. In bridge, to lose a trick by deliberately playing lower than one's opponent.n.1. A quick lowering of the head or body.2. A plunge under water.[Middle English douken, to dive,