Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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peel 1 (pēl)n.1. The skin or rind of certain fruits and vegetables.2. A chemical peel.v. peeled, peel·ing, peels v.tr.1. To strip or cut away the skin, rind, or bark from; pare.2. To strip away; pull off: peeled the label from the jar.v.intr.1. To lose or shed skin, bark, or other covering.2. To come off in thin strips or pieces, as bark, skin, or paint: Her sunburned skin began to peel.Phrasal Verbs: peel off1. To remove (an article of clothing that fits snugly).2. To break away from a group in motion, especially to leave flight formation in order to land an aircraft or make a dive.3. To leave or depart, especially in a hurry. peel out To leave quickly, especially by accelerating a vehicle so that the tires spin: peeled out of the driveway.[From Middle English pilen, pelen, to peel, from Old French peler, and Old English pilian (both from Latin pilāre, to deprive of hair, from pilus, hair) and from Old French pillier, to tug, pull, plunder (from Latin pilleum, felt cap).]peel2peel 2 (pēl)n.1. A long-handled, shovellike tool used by bakers to move bread or pastries into and out of an oven.2. Printing A T-shaped pole used for hanging up freshly printed sheets of paper to dry.[Middle English, from Old Fren