Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
The image with hands, shake, fingers Andres Rodriguez - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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deal 1 (dēl)v. dealt (dĕlt), deal·ing, deals v.tr.1. To give out in shares or portions; apportion: a critic who deals out as much praise as blame. See Synonyms at distribute.2. Games a. To distribute (playing cards) among players.b. To give (a specific card) to a player while so distributing.3. To sell: deal prescriptions; deal cocaine.4. To administer; deliver: dealt him a blow to the stomach.v.intr.1. To be occupied or concerned: a book that deals with the Middle Ages.2. To behave in a specified way toward another or others; have transactions: deal honestly with competitors.3. To take action with respect to someone or something: The committee will deal with this complaint.4. Informal To cope: I can't deal with all of this arguing!5. To do business; trade: dealing in diamonds.6. Games To distribute playing cards.7. Slang To buy and sell drugs, especially illegally.8. Baseball To throw a pitch.n.1. The act or a round of apportioning or distributing.2. Games a. Distribution of playing cards.b. The cards so distributed; a hand.c. The right or turn of a player to distribute the cards.d. The playing of one hand.3. An indefinite quantity, extent, or degree: has a great deal of experience.