Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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pass (păs)v. passed, pass·ing, pass·es v.intr.1. To move on or ahead; proceed: The train passed through fields of wheat.2. To extend; run: The river passes through our land.3. a. To move by or in front of something: The band passed and the crowd cheered.b. To move past another vehicle: The sports car passed on the right.4. To gain passage despite obstacles: pass through difficult years.5. To move past in time; elapse: The days passed quickly.6. a. To be transferred from one to another; circulate: The wine passed around the table.b. Sports To transfer a ball or puck to a teammate.7. To be communicated or exchanged between persons: Loud words passed in the corridor.8. To be transferred or conveyed to another by will or deed: The title passed to the older heir.9. To undergo transition from one condition, form, quality, or characteristic to another: Daylight passed into darkness.10. To come to an end: My anger suddenly passed. The headache finally passed.11. To cease to exist; die. Often used with on: The patient passed on during the night.12. To happen; take place: wanted to know what had passed at the meeting.13. a. To be allowed to happen without notice or challenge: Let their rude remarks pass.b. Sports & Games To decline one's turn to bid, draw, bet,