Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
The image with water, glass, bottle Razihusin - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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pour (pôr)v. poured, pour·ing, pours v.tr.1. a. To cause (a liquid or granular solid) to stream or flow, as from a container: poured tea from the pot into the cup.b. To pour a liquid or particles into (a container): poured a glass of milk.c. To empty (a container) of a liquid or granular solid: poured a bucket of sand on the ground.2. To send forth, produce, express, or utter copiously, as if in a stream or flood: poured money into the project; poured out my inner thoughts.v.intr.1. To stream or flow continuously or profusely: Water poured over the dam.2. To rain hard or heavily: It has been pouring for an hour.3. To pass or proceed in large numbers or quantity: Students poured into the auditorium.4. To serve a beverage, such as tea or coffee, to a gathering: We need someone to pour.n. A pouring or flowing forth, especially a downpour of rain.Idiom: pour it on Informal 1. To move or perform an activity at maximum speed or intensity.2. To speak or express oneself continuously or elaborately.[Middle English pouren, perhaps from Old North French purer, to sift, pour out, from Latin pūrāre, to purify, from pūrus, pure; see peuə- in Indo-European roots.]pour′er n.