Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
The image with red, thread, wax, bag, stamp, object Alexan24 - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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seal 1 (sēl)n.1. a. A device or material that is used to close off or fasten an opening or connection, especially to prevent the escape of a liquid or gas: used caulk as a seal around the window.b. An airtight closure: a door that lacks a tight seal.c. Something, such as a piece of tape, that is placed on a product or package to show that the contents have not been tampered with.d. The water in the trap of a drain that prevents sewer gas from escaping into a room.2. a. A design used to identify a person or thing or to show that something is authentic, accurate, or of good quality: The title page is marked with the publisher's seal. Does the scale have the inspector's seal?b. A small decorative paper sticker.3. a. A die or signet having a raised or incised emblem used to stamp an impression on a receptive substance such as wax or lead.b. The impression so made.c. The design or emblem itself, belonging exclusively to the user: a monarch's seal.d. A small disk or wafer of wax, lead, or paper bearing such an imprint and affixed to a document to prove authenticity or to secure it.4. An indication or symbol regarded as guaranteeing or authenticating something: The choral director gave the program his seal of approval.tr.v. sealed, seal·ing, seals 1. a. To close or fasten with a seal: seal an envelope; seal a test t