Pixwords Answers » 8 Letters
The image with bird, red, animal, wild (Markwatts104) . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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cardinalfemale (left) and male (right) cardinalsCardinalis cardinaliscar·di·nal (kär′dn-əl, kärd′nəl)adj.1. Of foremost importance; paramount: a cardinal rule; cardinal sins.2. Dark to deep or vivid red.n.1. Abbr. Card. Roman Catholic Church A high church official, ranking just below the pope, who has been appointed by a pope to membership in the College of Cardinals.2. A dark to deep or vivid red.3. A North American bird (Cardinalis cardinalis) having a crested head, a short thick bill, and bright red plumage in the male.4. A short hooded cloak, originally of scarlet cloth, worn by women in the 1700s.5. A cardinal number.[Middle English, from Late Latin cardinālis, principal, pivotal, from Latin, serving as a hinge, from cardō, cardin-, hinge.]car′di·nal·ship′ n.