Pixwords Answers » 7 Letters
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con·sole 1 (kən-sōl′)tr.v. con·soled, con·sol·ing, con·soles To allay the sorrow or grief of (someone). See Synonyms at comfort.[French consoler, from Old French, from Latin cōnsōlārī : com-, intensive pref.; see com- + sōlārī, to comfort.]con·sol′a·ble adj.con·so′la·to′ry (-sō′lə-tôr′ē, -sŏl′ə-) adj.con·sol′er n.con·sol′ing·ly adv.con·sole 2 (kŏn′sōl′)n.1. a. A central control panel for a mechanical, electrical, or electronic system.b. Computers The keyboard and monitor, considered as a unit by which a user provides input and receives output from a central processing unit.c. An instrument panel.d. A computer system designed to play a specific format of video game using special controllers and a separate display, such as a television.2. Music The desklike part of an organ that contains the keyboard, stops, and pedals.3. A small storage compartment mounted between bucket seats in an automobile.4. A small, freestanding cabinet, especially one housing a television or stereo equipment.5. An often scroll-shaped bracket used for decoration or for supporting a projecting member, such as a corni