Pixwords Answers » 7 Letters
The image with leaf, print, shape Sippakorn Yamkasikorn (Sippakorn) . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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im·print (ĭm-prĭnt′)v. im·print·ed, im·print·ing, im·prints v.tr.1. To produce (a mark or pattern) on a surface by pressure.2. To produce a mark on (a surface) by pressure.3. To impart a strong or vivid impression of: We imprint our own ideas onto acts (Ellen Goodman).4. To fix firmly, as in the mind: He tried to imprint the telephone number in his memory.5. To cause (a very young animal) to recognize and be attracted to another animal or to an object identified as the parent. Often used with on.6. To modify (a gene) chemically, as by DNA methylation, affecting the gene's expression in offspring.v.intr. To become imprinted on another animal or on an object identified as the parent. Used of newborn or very young animals. Often used with on: lab animals that imprint on researchers.n. (ĭm′prĭnt′)1. A mark or pattern produced by imprinting; an impression.2. A distinguishing influence or effect: Spanish architecture that shows the imprint of Islamic rule.3. A chemical modification of a gene affecting the gene's expression in offspring. 4. a. A publisher's name, often with the date, address, and edition, printed at the bottom of a title page of a publication.b. A publishing business with a unique name, usually owned by a larger publishing firm: started a pape