Pixwords Answers » 7 Letters
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pyramidpyramidtop: Pyramid of CheopsGiza, Egyptbottom:schematic view of the interior of the Pyramid of CheopsA. king's chamberB. grand galleryC. queen's chamberD. subterranean chamberE. entrancepyr·a·mid (pĭr′ə-mĭd)n.1. a. A solid figure with a polygonal base and triangular faces that meet at a common point.b. Something shaped like this polyhedron.2. a. A massive monument of ancient Egypt having a rectangular base and four triangular faces culminating in a single apex, built over or around a crypt or tomb.b. Any of various similar constructions, especially a four-sided Mesoamerican temple having stepped sides and a flat top surmounted by chambers.3. The transactions involved in pyramiding stock.4. Anatomy A structure or part suggestive of a pyramid in shape.v. pyr·a·mid·ed, pyr·a·mid·ing, pyr·a·mids v.tr.1. To place or build in the shape of a pyramid.2. To build (an argument or thesis, for example) progressively from a basic general premise.3. To speculate in (stock) by making a series of buying and selling transactions in which paper profits are used as margin for buying more stock.v.intr.1. To assume the shape of a pyramid.2. To increase rapidly and on a widening base.3. To pyramid stocks.[Latin pȳramis, pȳramid-, from Greek pū