Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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queen (kwēn)n.1. a. The wife or widow of a king.b. A woman sovereign.2. a. A woman considered preeminent in a particular field: the reigning queen of hip-hop.b. A woman chosen as the winner of a contest or the honorary head of an event: a beauty queen; the queen of the prom.3. Something having eminence or supremacy in a given domain and personified as a woman: Paris is regarded as the queen of cities.4. Abbr. Q Games a. The most powerful chess piece, able to move in any direction over any number of empty squares in a straight line.b. A playing card bearing the figure of a queen, ranking above the jack and below the king.5. a. The sole reproductive female, or one of several such females, in a colony of eusocial insects, such as bees, wasps, ants, or termites.b. The reproductive female in a colony of naked mole rats.6. A mature female cat, especially one kept for breeding purposes.7. Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a gay man.8. A queen-size bed.v. queened, queen·ing, queens v.tr.1. To make (a woman) a queen.2. Games To raise (a pawn) to queen in chess.v.intr. Games To become a queen in chess.Idiom: queen it To act like a queen; domineer: queens it over the whole family.[Middle Eng