Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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fresh (frĕsh)adj. fresh·er, fresh·est 1. a. New to one's experience; not encountered before: fresh evidence.b. Unusual or different: a fresh slant on the problem. See Synonyms at new.2. a. Recently made, produced, or harvested; not stale or spoiled: fresh bread.b. Not preserved, as by canning, smoking, or freezing: fresh vegetables.3. Not saline or salty: fresh water.4. a. Not yet used or soiled; clean: a fresh sheet of paper.b. Free from impurity or pollution; pure: fresh air.c. Not dull or faded: a fresh memory.5. Fairly strong and often cool; brisk: a fresh wind.6. a. Having just arrived: fashions fresh from Paris.b. Untried or trained but not experienced: fresh volunteers.7. a. Revived or reinvigorated; refreshed: I was fresh as a daisy after the nap.b. Rested and ready for a long ride. Used of horses.c. Having the glowing or unspoiled appearance of youth: a fresh complexion.8. Having recently calved and therefore with milk. Used of a cow.9. Informal Bold and saucy; impudent.10. Slang Excellent; first-rate.adv. Recently; newly: fresh out of milk; muffins baked fresh daily.n.1. The early part: the fresh of the day.2. A freshet.[Middle English, from Old English fersc, pure, not salty, and from Old French freis (feminine f