Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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cov·er (kŭv′ər)v. cov·ered, cov·er·ing, cov·ers v.tr.1. a. To place something upon or over, so as to protect or conceal: covered the boat with a tarp; covered the photo with his hand.b. To overlay or spread with something: cover the potatoes with gravy.c. To put a cover or covering on: covered jar with a lid.2. a. To hide or screen from view or knowledge; conceal. Often used with up: He tried to cover up his mistakes.b. To do something that gains for (oneself) a quality or association: The mountain climbers covered themselves in glory.3. a. To be spread over the surface of: Dust covered the table. Your boots are covered with mud.b. To lie over or adhere to so as to protect or conceal: The rug covers the gouges in the floor. Paint covers the stains on the ceiling.c. To extend over: a farm covering more than 100 acres.4. a. To travel or pass over: They covered 60 miles in two days.b. To have as one's territory or sphere of work: a sales rep who covers the Southwest.5. a. To protect from loss. Used of insurance: a new policy that will cover all our camera equipment.b. To take measures to prevent (oneself) from being held responsible for something: With the memo he is covering himself in case something goes wrong.c. To be enough to pay for or make up for: Will $100 cov