Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
The image with lemon, yellow, slice Rod Chronister - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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slice (slīs)n.1. a. A thin broad piece cut from a larger object: ate a slice of cheese; examined a slice of the diseased lung.b. An often wedge-shaped piece cut from a larger, usually circular object: ordered a slice of pie; shared a slice of pizza.2. A portion or share: a slice of the profits.3. a. A knife with a broad, thin, flexible blade, used for cutting and serving food.b. A similar implement for spreading printing ink.4. Sports a. The course of a ball that curves in the direction of the dominant hand of the player propelling it, as to the right of a right-handed player.b. A stroke that causes a ball to follow such a course: a golfer with a bad slice.c. A ball propelled on such a course.d. A stroke, as in tennis, in which the ball is struck with a downward motion with the open face of the racket in order to impart backspin. v. sliced, slic·ing, slic·es v.tr.1. To cut or divide into slices: slice a loaf of bread.2. To cut from a larger piece: slice off a piece of salami.3. To cut through or move through with an action like cutting: where wheels have freshly sliced the April mire (Robert Frost).4. To divide into portions or shares; parcel out: With mortgage securitisation, a pool of home loans is sliced into tranches bearing different degrees of risk (David Shirreff).5. To r