Pixwords Answers » 5 Letters
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nurse (nûrs)n.1. A person trained to provide medical care for the sick or disabled, especially one who is licensed and works in a hospital or physician's office.2. a. A person employed to take care of a young child.b. A woman employed to suckle children other than her own; a wet nurse.3. One that serves as a nurturing or fostering influence or means: Town life is the nurse of civilization (C.L.R. James).4. Zoology A worker ant or bee that feeds and cares for the colony's young.v. nursed, nurs·ing, nurs·es v.tr.1. To serve as a nurse for: nursed the patient back to health.2. a. To cause or allow to take milk from the breast: a mother nursing her baby.b. To feed at the breast of; suckle.3. To try to cure by special care or treatment: nurse a cough with various remedies.4. To treat carefully, especially in order to prevent pain: He nursed his injured knee by shifting his weight to the other leg.5. To manage or guide carefully; look after with care; foster: nursed her business through the depression. See Synonyms at nurture.6. To bear privately in the mind: nursing a grudge.7. To consume slowly, especially in order to conserve: nursed one drink all evening.v.intr.1. To serve as a nurse.2. To take nourishment from the breast; suckle.[Middle English norice, nurse, wet nu