Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
The image with money, hour glass, hourglass, dollar, dollars Dmytro Kozlov - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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time (tīm)n.1. a. A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.b. An interval separating two points on this continuum; a duration: a long time since the last war; passed the time reading.c. A number, as of years, days, or minutes, representing such an interval: ran the course in a time just under four minutes.d. A similar number representing a specific point on this continuum, reckoned in hours and minutes: checked her watch and recorded the time, 6:17 am.e. A system by which such intervals are measured or such numbers are reckoned: solar time.2. a. often times An interval, especially a span of years, marked by similar events, conditions, or phenomena; an era: hard times; a time of troubles.b. times The present with respect to prevailing conditions and trends: You must change with the times.3. A suitable or opportune moment or season: a time for taking stock of one's life.4. a. Periods or a period designated for a given activity: harvest time; time for bed.b. Periods or a period necessary or available for a given activity: I have no time for golf.c. A period at one's disposal: Do you have time for a chat?5. An appointed or fated moment, especially of death or giving birth: He died before his time. Her time is near.6. a. One of seve