Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
The image with hand, human, sign Rehakroland - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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thin (thĭn)adj. thin·ner, thin·nest 1. a. Relatively small in extent from one surface to the opposite, usually in the smallest solid dimension: a thin book.b. Not great in diameter or cross section; fine: thin wire.2. Having little bodily flesh or fat; lean or slender.3. a. Not dense or concentrated; sparse: the thin vegetation of the plateau.b. More rarefied than normal: thin air.4. a. Flowing with relative ease; not viscous: a thin oil.b. Watery: thin soup.5. a. Sparsely supplied or provided; scanty: a thin menu.b. Having a low number of transactions: thin trading in the stock market.6. Lacking force or substance; flimsy: a thin attempt.7. Lacking resonance or fullness; tinny: The piano had a thin sound.8. Lacking radiance or intensity: thin light.9. Not having enough photographic density or contrast to make satisfactory prints. Used of a negative.adv.1. In a thin manner: Spread the varnish thin if you don't want it to wrinkle.2. So as to be thin: Cut the cheese thin.tr. & intr.v. thinned, thin·ning, thins To make or become thin or thinner.[Middle English, from Old English thynne; see ten- in Indo-European roots.]thin′ly adv.thin′ness n.thin′nish adj.