Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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roof (ro͞of, ro͝of)n.1. a. The exterior surface and its supporting structures on the top of a building.b. The upper exterior surface of a dwelling as a symbol of the home itself: three generations living under one roof.2. The top covering of something: the roof of a car.3. The upper surface of an anatomical structure, especially one having a vaulted inner structure: the roof of the mouth.4. The highest point or limit; the summit or ceiling: A roof on prices is needed to keep our customers happy.tr.v. roofed, roof·ing, roofs To furnish with a roof or cover.Idioms: go through the roof Slang 1. To grow, intensify, or rise to an enormous, often unexpected degree: Operating costs went through the roof last year.2. To become extremely angry: When I told her about breaking the window, she went through the roof. raise the roof Slang 1. To be extremely noisy and boisterous: They raised the roof at the party.2. To complain loudly and bitterly: Angry tenants finally raised the roof about their noisy neighbors.[Middle English, from Old English hrōf.]