Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
The image with water, leak, man, umbrella, rain, house Falara - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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leak (lēk)v. leaked, leak·ing, leaks v.intr.1. To permit the escape, entry, or passage of something through a breach or flaw: rusted pipes that were beginning to leak; a boat leaking at the seams.2. To escape or pass through a breach or flaw: helium leaking slowly from the balloon.3. To become publicly known through a breach of secrecy: The news has leaked.v.tr.1. To permit (a substance) to escape or pass through a breach or flaw: a damaged reactor leaking radioactivity into the atmosphere.2. To disclose without authorization or official sanction: leaked classified information to a reporter.n.1. A crack or flaw that permits something to escape from or enter a container or conduit: fixed the leak in the roof.2. a. The act or instance of leaking.b. An amount leaked: equipment used in cleaning up oil leaks.3. An unauthorized or a deliberate disclosure of confidential information: Sometimes we can't respond to stories based on leaks (Ronald Reagan).4. a. Loss of electric current as a result of faulty insulation.b. The path or place at which this loss takes place.Idiom: take a leak Vulgar Slang To urinate.[Middle English leken, probably from Middle Dutch lēken.]leak′er n.