Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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tent1top to bottom: A-frame, dome, and cabin tentstent 1 (tĕnt)n.1. A portable shelter made of fabric or other material stretched over a supporting framework of poles and usually stabilized or secured to the ground with cords and stakes.2. Something resembling such a portable shelter in construction or outline: her hair a dark tent, her face a thin triangle (Anne Tyler).v. tent·ed, tent·ing, tents v.intr. To camp in a tent.v.tr.1. To form a tent over.2. To supply with or put up in tents.[Middle English, from Old French tente, from Vulgar Latin *tendita, from feminine past participle of Latin tendere, to stretch out; see ten- in Indo-European roots.]tent 2 (tĕnt)n. A small cylindrical plug of lint or gauze used to keep open or probe a wound or an orifice.tr.v. tent·ed, tent·ing, tents To keep (a wound or orifice) open with such a plug.[Middle English tente, from Old French, from tenter, to probe, from Latin tentāre, to feel, try; see tentative.]tent 3 (tĕnt)tr.v. tent·ed, tent·ing, tents Scots 1. To pay heed to.2. To attend; wait on.[Middle English tenten, from tent, attention, short for attent, from Old French attente, from Vulgar Latin *attendita, from feminine past participle of Latin attendere, to wait on