Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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pale1pale 1 (pāl)n.1. A stake or pointed stick; a picket.2. A fence enclosing an area.3. The area enclosed by a fence or boundary.4. a. A region or district lying within an imposed boundary or constituting a separate jurisdiction.b. Pale The medieval dominions of the English in Ireland. Used with the.5. Heraldry A wide vertical band in the center of an escutcheon.tr.v. paled, pal·ing, pales To enclose with pales; fence in.Idiom: beyond the pale Irrevocably unacceptable or unreasonable: behavior that was quite beyond the pale.[Middle English, from Old French pal, from Latin pālus; see pag- in Indo-European roots.]pale 2 (pāl)adj. pal·er, pal·est 1. Whitish in complexion; pallid.2. a. Of a low intensity of color; light.b. Having high lightness and low saturation.3. Of a low intensity of light; dim or faint: a late afternoon sun coming through the el tracks and falling in pale oblongs on the cracked, empty sidewalks (Jimmy Breslin).4. Feeble; weak: a pale rendition of the aria.v. paled, pal·ing, pales v.tr. To cause to turn pale.v.intr.1. To become pale; blanch: paled with fright.2. To decrease in relative importance.[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin pa