Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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slap (slăp)n.1. a. A sharp blow made with the open hand or with a flat object; a smack.b. The sound of such a blow.2. A sharp insult: a slap to one's pride.v. slapped, slap·ping, slaps v.tr.1. To strike with the palm of the hand or a flat object: slapped him in the face.2. To cause to strike forcefully and loudly: He took a clipping from his wallet and slapped it on the bar (Nathanael West).3. To put or place quickly or carelessly: slapped butter on a bagel.4. a. To subject to a legal obligation, such as a fine or court order: slapped him with a speeding ticket; slapped her with a lawsuit.b. To impose (a legal obligation) on someone: The judge slapped an additional fine on the unruly defendant.v.intr. To strike or beat with the force and sound of a slap: waves slapping against the raft.adv. Informal Directly and with force: drove slap into the guardrail.Phrasal Verb: slap down To restrain or correct by emphatic censure; rebuke: thought [he] was getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down (New York Times).Idiom: slap on the wrist A nominal or token punishment.[Middle English slappe.]slap′per n.