Pixwords Answers » 4 Letters
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spin (spĭn)v. spun (spŭn), spin·ning, spins v.intr.1. To rotate rapidly; whirl. See Synonyms at turn.2. To have a sensation of whirling, as from dizziness; reel: My head spun after I did a cartwheel.3. To make thread or yarn by drawing out and twisting fibers.4. To extrude viscous filaments, forming a web or cocoon.5. To fish with a light rod, lure, and line and a reel with a stationary spool.v.tr.1. To cause to rotate swiftly; twirl: spin a top.2. To shape or manufacture by a twirling or rotating process.3. Informal To play (a recorded piece of music, such as a phonograph record), especially as a disc jockey.4. To provide an interpretation of (a statement or event, for example), especially in a way meant to sway public opinion: a messenger who spins bogus research into a vile theology of hatred (William A. Henry III).5. a. To draw out and twist (fibers) into thread.b. To form (thread or yarn) in this manner.6. To form (a web or cocoon, for example) by extruding viscous filaments.7. To relate or create: spin a story.n.1. The act of spinning.2. A swift whirling motion.3. A state of mental confusion: I've been in a spin about this all week.4. Informal A short drive in a vehicle: took a spin in the new car.5. The flight condition of an