Pixwords Answers » 3 Letters
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Set (sĕt)n. Mythology Variant of Seth2.set 1 (sĕt)v. set, set·ting, sets v.tr.1. To put in a specified position or arrangement; place: set a book on a table; set the photo next to the flowers.2. a. To put into a specified state: set the prisoner at liberty; set the house ablaze; set the machine in motion.b. To cause to begin an action: The noise set the dog to barking.c. To cause or assign (someone) to undertake an action or perform a service: The sergeant set the recruit to sweeping the barracks.d. To incite to hostile feeling or action: a dispute that set the neighbors against each other.3. To position (oneself) so as to be ready to do something, such as start running a race.4. To put into a stable or fixed position, as:a. To position or secure so as to be fixed or immobile: set the fence post in cement.b. To put in a mounting; mount: set an emerald in a pendant.c. To apply jewels to; stud: The tiara was set with diamonds.d. To cause (a hook) to become fixed in a fish's mouth.5. To cause to be in proper, useful, or working condition, as:a. To arrange for the consumption of a meal: set the table; set a place at table.b. To adjust (an instrument or device) to a specific point or calibration: set the alarm for 7:00.c. To prepare (a trap) for catching prey.d. To adjust