Pixwords Answers » 3 Letters
The image with bolt, screw, aluminum, silver, object, tool Anton Starikov - Dreamstime . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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nutClockwise from top: T-nut, hex cap nut, wingnut, and hex nutnut (nŭt)n.1. a. An indehiscent fruit having a single seed enclosed in a hard shell, such as an acorn or hazelnut.b. The usually edible seed of such a fruit.c. Any of various other usually edible seeds enclosed in a hard covering such as a seed coat or the stone of a drupe, as in a pine nut, peanut, almond, or walnut.2. Slang a. A crazy or eccentric person.b. An enthusiast; a buff: a movie nut.3. Informal A difficult endeavor or problem: Painting the closet was a tough nut to crack.4. Slang The human head.5. Music a. A ridge of wood at the top of the fingerboard or neck of a stringed instrument, over which the strings pass.b. A device at the lower end of the bow for a stringed instrument, used for tightening the hairs.6. A small block of metal or wood with a central, threaded hole that is designed to fit around and secure a bolt or screw.7. Slang a. The cost of launching a business venture.b. The operating expenses of a theater, theatrical production, or similar enterprise: The [theater] has simply failed to attract enough paying customers per week to meet its nut (Variety).8. Vulgar Slang A testicle.intr.v. nut·ted, nut·ting, nuts 1. To gather or hunt for nuts.2. Vu