Pixwords Answers » 9 Letters
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re·source (rē′sôrs′, -zôrs′, rĭ-sôrs′, -zôrs′)n.1. Something that is available for use or that can be used for support or help: The local library is a valuable resource.2. often resources An available supply, especially of money, that can be drawn on when needed.3. The ability to deal with a difficult or troublesome situation effectively; resourcefulness: a person of resource.4. A means that can be used to cope with a difficult situation; an expedient: needed all my intellectual resources for the exam.5. a. resources The total means available for economic and political development, such as mineral wealth, labor force, and armaments.b. resources The total means available to a company for increasing production or profit, including plant, labor, and raw material; assets.c. Such means considered individually.[Obsolete French, from Old French, from feminine past participle of resourdre, to rise again, from Latin resurgere : re-, re- + surgere, to rise; see surge.]