Pixwords Answers » 9 Letters
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land·scape (lănd′skāp′)n.1. An expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view: a desert landscape.2. A picture depicting an expanse of scenery.3. The branch of art dealing with the representation of natural scenery.4. The aspect of the land characteristic of a particular region: a bleak New England winter landscape.5. Grounds that have been landscaped: liked the house especially for its landscape.6. An extensive mental view; an interior prospect: They occupy the whole landscape of my thought (James Thurber).7. The orientation of a page such that the shorter side runs from top to bottom.v. land·scaped, land·scap·ing, land·scapes v.tr. To adorn or improve (a section of ground) by contouring and by planting flowers, shrubs, or trees.v.intr. To arrange grounds aesthetically or maintain grounds as a profession.[Dutch landschap, from Middle Dutch landscap, region : land, land; see lendh- in Indo-European roots + -scap, state, condition (collective suff.).]land′scap′er n.