Pixwords Answers » 8 Letters
The image with money, states, dollar, dollars Ronfromyork . These are the answers pixwords for your search. To make a more accurate selection of responses pixwords choose the exact number of letters of that word - including spaces. The results will definitely surprise you and will help you get to the next level of the game PixWords.
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neg·a·tive (nĕg′ə-tĭv)adj.1. a. Expressing, containing, or consisting of a negation, refusal, or denial: gave a negative answer to our request.b. Indicating opposition or resistance: a negative reaction to the new advertising campaign.2. Lacking positive or constructive features, especially:a. Unpleasant; disagreeable: had a negative experience on his first job.b. Gloomy; pessimistic: a negative outlook.c. Unfavorable or detrimental: a negative review; a negative effect on the child's development.d. Hostile or disparaging; malicious: ran a negative campaign against her opponent.3. Medicine Not indicating the presence of a particular disease, condition, or organism.4. Philosophy Of or relating to non-being or the absence of qualities rather than being or the possession of qualities: the purely negative virtue of unselfishness.5. Logic Designating a proposition that denies agreement between a subject and its predicate.6. Mathematics a. Of or relating to a quantity less than zero.b. Of or relating to the sign (-).c. Of or relating to a quantity to be subtracted from another.d. Of or relating to a quantity, number, angle, velocity, or direction in a sense opposite to another of the same magnitude indicated or understood to be positive.7. Physics a. Of or relating to