Pixwords Answers » 7 Letters
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cool (ko͞ol)adj. cool·er, cool·est 1. Neither warm nor very cold; moderately cold: fresh, cool water; a cool autumn evening.2. Giving or suggesting relief from heat: a cool breeze; a cool blouse.3. Marked by calm self-control: a cool negotiator.4. Marked by indifference, disdain, or dislike; unfriendly or unresponsive: a cool greeting; was cool to the idea of higher taxes.5. Of, relating to, or characteristic of colors, such as blue and green, that produce the impression of coolness.6. Slang a. Knowledgeable or aware of the latest trends or developments: spent all his time trying to be cool.b. Excellent; first-rate: has a cool sports car; had a cool time at the party.c. Acceptable; satisfactory: It's cool if you don't want to talk about it.7. Slang Entire; full: worth a cool million.adv. Informal In a casual manner; nonchalantly: play it cool.v. cooled, cool·ing, cools v.tr.1. To make less warm.2. To make less ardent, intense, or zealous: problems that soon cooled my enthusiasm for the project.3. Physics To reduce the molecular or kinetic energy of (an object).v.intr.1. To become less warm: took a dip to cool off.2. To become calmer: needed time for tempers to cool.n.1. A cool place, part, or time: the cool of early m